If you have any queries, comments or want to receive further information, we would like to hear from you.
Feel free to use the provided email address, telephone and fax numbers to get in touch with us:
Switzerland - Lausanne:
Tel: 0041.21.311.94.68
Fax: 0041.21.311.94.67
E-mail: galnum@bluewin.ch
France - Paris:
Tel: 0033 1 42 96 04 96
Fax: 0033 1 42 96 09 96
Email: galnumfr@yahoo.com
Romania - Bucharest:
Tel/Fax: 004 21 312 21 76
E-mail: galerianumismatica@gmail.com
Austria - Vienna:
Tel: 0043.676.634.8312