Imperial Order of the Southern Cross


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Grand Cross Badge of the Model adopted after the Establishment of the Republic, in 1889. Sash Badge, 80.5x60 mm., white enameled 5-armed gold cross with ball-finials, flanked by light green enameled olive and dark green enameled laurel wreath, centre medallion in gold with applied bust of an allegory of the Republic, on polished ground of red-gold, dark-blue enameled outer circlet with golden inscription “ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRAZIl”, sky-blue enameled reverse centre medallion, with a cross of white enameled, tiny five-pointed stars; dark blue enameled outer circlet with golden inscription “BENEMERENTIUM PRÆMIUM” and stylized laurel branches below, the upper arm, with hinged, two-tones green enameled laurel wreath centered in a red enameled five-pointed star, flanked by golden beams, suspension ring and original, silk, sash ribbon.
An extremely rare badge of the transitional type, being the only order from the Imperial period to be preserved in the new Republic, although with some obvious modifications, excellent condition. I RR!

Shop ID: 
Lux G26 p. 1082