Infantry Officer‚`s Parade Bandolier

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Black velvet, the outside fitted with broad, gold-wire brocade riband; embossed, silver buckles and finiar (all struck with maker‚`s and silver "800" marks); Savoy‚`s Eagle, chains and Shield with "arrows" (this, with gilt silver, royal monogram "VE"), also made of silver, struck with maker‚`s and silver "800" marks; both ends, fitted with silver (marks) bars with loops to mount the pouch, this made of sheet-metal, this, covered with blach wax-cloth, then fitted with richly embossed, silver borders, sides and the hinged lid, with Infantry‚`s Eagle with spreaded wings. Dim.: the bandolier, l. 104,0 cm.; the pouch, 146,0 x 80,0 mm. A beautiful piece, dating to the 30s of 20th Century, extremely rare for its finest, lavish quality, probably belonged to a high ranking staff officer, coming from a wealthy family, excellent condition and rare! I R!

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Low estimate: 
500.00 EUR
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