Fun set of reduced cutlery

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Total bids: 

1 / Pair of silver "trident" forks with decorated spatulas, guarantee 800, length 13 cm. Circa 1900. 2 / A silver pickle pick, spiral spatula, guarantee 800, length 9 cm, circa 1900.
3 / Trio of fish knives, spatula ribbon, punch "St & EPNS L13" Circa 1900.
4 / Silver fish knife, spatula decorated with a ribbon. Length 13 cm, circa 1900, guarantee 800.
5 / A silver fish knife, length 14 cm, circa 1900, Mappin & Webb. Punches.
6 / A shovel with sweets (cakes ...) spatula native dancer, circa 1940. Guarantee 800, length 14 cm.
Total weight 138 g. England. Good condition.

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